Friday, June 18, 2010

Love Never Fails

Today I grabbed a beach chair, the straw hat that Kayla picked out for me many years ago, a good book, my camera and my phone and drove to the beach.  This is the view I enjoyed as I strolled through the sand to the water's edge.  It was quite early in the morning and it had rained so only a handful of people dotted the shoreline.

After I found the perfect spot to unfold my chair and get comfortable, a grandmother and her grandson began to dig and play in the surf.

I called my mom on my cell phone.  What is it about your mother's voice that just makes you emotional at times?  My mother's voice is hoarse now from cancer treatments but after just a few minutes we were both crying together and neither one of us needed to ask the other one why.  Tears flowed from under my sunglasses, cleansing tears not angry ones.  Pure love flowed with them for all the phone calls, all the emails, all the prayers, and all the love.  Love never fails the Bible says and I never fail to see and feel God in it!

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