Sunday, February 20, 2011

All Hard Work Brings a Profit - Proverbs 4:23

Everytime Jerry and I dreamed about our children's futures, when they were small, the images always included, ease.  We wanted their lives to be easier than ours had been, their choices wiser, bringing them more opportunities and less failure.  We studied the tendencies of each child and tried to determine which way they were leaning so we could encourage them to grow that way (something I read about in one of my many James Dobson parenting books).  I touched on this subject in my last post and today I feel like addressing it again in the life of another adult child, our oldest son, Kody.

Now, here is a guy who has kept us guessing for all of his 33 years.  We have watched him steer his life off one path and on to another, like the Nascar races he loves to watch and "ease" has never been his destination.  As a child his imagination took him on horseback (a stick one) to wide open spaces.  On the very rare day that he wasn't outdoors, he wouldn't sit still through a whole story book or TV show, preferring instead to ride his stickhorse all around the house while playing his cowboy songs on the stereo.

As an adult he has tried his hand at many potential careers, but guess what he enjoys doing the most.  What kind of work do you think it is that brings him the most satisfaction and joy?  If you guessed working with horses you are right!  He still loves the outdoors, rarely sits down, and likes music (country) on the radio in the barns at chore time.  Kody manages and lives on an Arabian horse farm and also manages a non-profit educational working farm.

Ease is not a word that could ever be used to describe farming, but is it a wise choice for him?  Bringing him more opportunities and less failure?  Kody would be the only person that could truly answer these questions, but I have watched his life unfold and his humble, steadfast, hard work seems to be positioning him onto a path that God may have been preparing for him all along.  It does look slightly familiar and I can't wait to see where it takes him. 

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